A Ministry of Victory Tulsa.

Resource Blog

Victory Kids Family resources and tools.


My Best Days
  • OCTOBER 2017 

We believe that our Best Days are right in front of us! We're kicking off the fall with a  three week series on Joshua.


"My best days are right in front of me!"


(Point up with right hand)

Began a good work
(Left thumb up, right thumb up)

In you
(point in front of you)

He will carry it on
(Rock hands back and forth as if carrying a child)

Until it is completed
(Raise both hands up above head)

(Open hands like a book) 


To kick off the School year, our students will be learning about how God created us. We are each God's Masterpiece...His very best work!

Each week we will focus on a different Biblical truth centered around how God created us. Our Big Ideas are as follows (weeks 1-6):
"God created everything"
"God created me"
"God created me to obey"
"God created me to believe"
"God created me to be different"
"God created me to lead"


For we are
(Point to yourself with thumbs)

God’s Masterpiece
(Put both arms in the sky)

He has created us
(Point right hand up)

So we can do // the good things
(Left thumb up // right thumb up)

He planned // for us
(Cross both arms // Point to yourself with thumbs)

Ephesians 2:10
(Open hands like a book)


How Ya Feelin'?
  • JULY 2017 

We are so excited for our second summer series! For the month of July, we will be learning all about our emotions. The reality is that everyone deals with emotions, both negative and positive. Through the series "How Ya Feelin'?," our students will learn how to rely on God rather than on their emotions. We will be covering feelings like Happiness, Anger, Humbleness, Love, and much more! 



Each week we will focus on a different emotion, and learn about dealing with each emotion healthily. Each weekend we will be learning "How to be _______." (Fill in the blank with emotion of the week)


 How you made me
Point to yourself

Is amazing
Right thumb up

And Wonderful
Left thumb up

I praise you for that
Both hands lifted high

Psalm 139:14
Hold hands open like a book


A Series on telling others about Jesus!

  • June 2017 

We kick off our summer by diving into Jesus' final commandment to us... to Go! Our first series of Summer '17 focuses on missional living and telling the world about Jesus. Following Jesus' commandment to Go isn't some huge and unattainable task, it's really quite simple to follow. We can tell others about Jesus anywhere, whether that's our home, local playground, school or even to the uttermost bounds of the earth!

Big Idea:

"I will Go!"

Memory Verse + Motions:

He said to them, Go (Point forwards)
into all the world (Trace a circle above your head)
Preach (Hands by your mouth like we are "shouting")
the good news (Both thumbs up)
to everyone (Cross both hands in front of you)

Mark 16:15

  • JUNE 10TH & 11TH


  • KINDERGARTEN & 5TH GRADE change environments

Shift Weekend is when all of Victory Kids move up a grade level. For most of the students in Victory Kids, advancing a grade level will not effect the location of their classroom or chapel experience. However, Kindergartners & 5th graders will shift to a different environment.  

Below is a list of completed grades and the environment they will be moving in to.


Kindergartners will move upstairs to the 3rd Floor Elementary Chapel. June 10th & 11th will be their first weekend upstairs. All Kindergartners will officially move up to 1st Grade! In the 3rd Floor Elementary Chapel, our new first graders will join a small group or "team" just for them. Their caring leaders will make sure that their transition upstairs is comfortable and easy.
For more information visit the Elementary Page here.


5th Graders will move to Victory Youth & attend weekend services with their families. June 10th & 11th will be their first weekend out of Victory Kids. Our oldest Elementary Students have graduated! We are sad to see them go, but we know there are big things in for them in their future. 5th Grade is moving up to Victory Youth, which meets every Wednesday night at 7:00PM in the Victory Youth building at 2702 E 81st St. The 5th Graders first service at Victory Youth will be June 14th.
For more information visit www.victoryyouth.com

& 1st - 4th

Nursery & Preschool classes are age-based and will remain in their current classrooms. 

Elementary Students in completed Grades 1st - 4th will remain in the 3rd Floor Elementary Chapel. However, they will join a new small group team for their new grade.

Questions or concerns?

Change is a big deal! We want to make this process as easy as possible for your students. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask a staff member or team member this weekend. Or you can give us a call or shoot us an email via the contact page. We will be happy to help!