A Ministry of Victory Tulsa.

Resource Blog

Victory Kids Family resources and tools.


Posts in Series
God's Great Design
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We are so excited to launch this brand new series! "God's Great Design" will focus on stories from the book of Genesis that show that we were all created for a purpose, on purpose!


I'm a part of God's great design!


All things have been created

(Both hands above your head and moving down to your side in a circular motion)

by Him

(Right hand point up)

and for Him.

(Left hand point up)

Before anything was created

(Palms up in front of you opening up in a circular motion)

He was already there.

(Both index fingers point straifght up)

He holds everything together.

(Both hands palms up in front of you)

Colossians 1:17

(hands like you are opening up a book)

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Memory Verse Motions

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Slide

Take Home Series Card

Take Home Series Card

Be Light

We are so excited to launch this brand new series! "Be Light" is an exciting series where we will look at people in the Bible who let their light shine in a powerful way!


I will be light!


You're here

(Point with both hands straight in front of you)

to be light,

(Both hands popping open from a closed fist)

bringing out the God-colors in the world.

(Use both index fingers to start above your head and make a big circle while bringing your arms down)


(Right hand point up to God)

is not a secret to be kept.

(crossing your arms back and forth with palms down)

Matthew 5:14-15

(Your hands like you're opening a book)

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Memory Verse Motions

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Slide

Take Home Series Card

Take Home Series Card

Lost & Found

We are so excited to launch this brand new series! "Lost & Found" is an exciting series where we will dive into the four of the parables that Jesus taught some of His most powerful lessons from!


I will find Jesus!

I will find forgiveness!

I will find wisdom!

I will find the need!


But put God's Kingdom

(point one finger straight up)


(hand out, index finger up)

Do what He wants you to do

(extend arm with palm up, one arm at a time)

Then all of those things

(Move both arms away from your body in a circular motion)

will also

(Right thumbs up)

be added to you.

(left thumbs up)

Matthew 6:33

(Your hands like you're opening a book)

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Slide

Take Home Series Card

Take Home Series Card

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Memory Verse Motions

The Promise
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We are so excited to launch this brand new series! "The Promise" is an exciting series where we will dive into the person of the Holy Spirit, and what He truly means in the life of every believer!


I receive His promise!


I am sending
(Spread both arms out in front of your body)

My Father's Promise
(Point up with both pointer fingers)

to you.
(point to the audience)

(right hand "stay" motion)

Until you receive it.
(both hands, palms up)

Luke 24:49
(Hold hands open like a book)

Series Big Idea

Series Big Idea

Take Home Series Card

Take Home Series Card

Series Memory Verse

Series Memory Verse

Memory Verse Motions

Live To Give

We are so excited to launch this brand new series! "Live To Give" is an exciting series where we will learn what it means to live a life full of generosity!


I live to give!


The world
(both hands connecting above your head)

of the generous
(both hands moving out from chest in a circluar motion)

gets larger and larger.
(both hands at shoulder height and raising up

The world
(both hands connecting above your head)

of the stingy
(both hands with clinched fists)

gets smaller and smaller.
(both hands out from chest lowering down)

Proverbs 11:24
(Hold hands open like a book)

Series Big Idea

Series Big Idea

Take Home Series Card

Take Home Series Card

Series Memory Verse

Series Memory Verse

Memory Verse Motions

Month of Generosity Calendar

Month of Generosity Calendar