A Ministry of Victory Tulsa.


Victory Kids focuses on foundational, series based learning. View our series and other resources here.

current series

what we're learning

Simply click on the series logo to view our Big Idea, Memory Verse, and More! Previous series information can be found below.

victory kids ministry nursery reading


You, as a parent, influence your child more than anyone else. So, we want to provide you with the resources to help you and your family to grow spiritually and closer together.  We desire to partner with you, and one of the ways we do this is by providing resources to help you talk with your children about the gospel.

Series Based Learning

Foundational learning is a focus in each Victory Kids program. Our goal is for every child to learn core biblical concepts, building a solid foundation upon the word of God. Series are a way for us to focus in on these key biblical ideas for several weeks at a time. Throughout each series, Victory Kids will learn a principal memory verse, a biblical truth "Big Idea," and many stories from the Bible.

take it home

On your way home, be sure to ask your child questions like, "Did you have fun?" and "What did you learn today?" It's our goal that every child has a positive answer to these two questions, every week.

Below you will find both our past and current Victory Kids series content, as well as other resources put together by our team.

victory tulsa family parking lot

Additional resources