A Ministry of Victory Tulsa.

Resource Blog

Victory Kids Family resources and tools.



We are so excited to launch this brand new series! “Wow!” is a 5 week series on the character of God.


God’s love for me is WOW!



I am certain

(Both thumbs up)

That nothing

(Cross hands in front of yourself)

Can separate us

(Spread arms out)

From His love

(Point up)

Romans 8:38

(Open hands, like opening a Bible)

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Take Home Series Card

Take Home Series Card

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Motions

Suit Up!
Suit Up Main Graphic option 2.jpeg

We are so excited to launch this brand new series! “Suit Up!” is a 5 week series on the life of Joshua.


There is a superhero in me!



Be strong

(Make a muscle with your left arm)

and courageous.

(Make a muscle with your right arm)

Do not be afraid.

(Shake your finger, back and forth)


(Point up with both fingers)

is with you.

(Point out)

Joshua 1:9

(Open hands, like opening a Bible)

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Take Home Series Card

Take Home Series Card

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Motions

Be a Neighbor
BeANeighbor-SERIES SLIDE.png

We are so excited to launch this brand new series! “Be a Neighbor” is a 6-week series on being a neighbor.


I am a neighbor!



Speak encouraging words to one another.

(Point to your mouth)

Build up hope

(Fist on fist)

So you’ll all be together in this.

(Spread hands in front of yourself)

No one left out,

(Shake right finger back and forth)

No one left behind.

(Shake left finger back and forth)

Keep on doing it.

(Both thumbs up)

1 Thes 5:11

(Open hands, like opening a Bible)

Big Idea Slide

Take Home Series Card

Take Home Series Card

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Motions

Listen Up!
ListenUp Series Slide.png

We are so excited to launch this brand new series! “Listen Up” is a 6-week series on the Holy Spirit.


I hear His voice!



My sheep

(Point to one another)

listen to my voice;

(Cup your hand around your ear)

I know them,

(Place your hands on your heart)

and they follow Me.

(Make a “follow me” motion)

John 10:27

(Open hands, like opening a Bible)

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Take Home Series Card

Take Home Series Card

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Motions

Don't Worry
Dont Worry - Series Slide.png

We are so excited to launch this brand new series! “Don’t Worry” is a 4-week series on what the Bible says about worry and fear.


God is with me!



Don’t worry

(Shake your finger back and forth)

because I am with you.

(Put your hands on your heart)

Don’t be afraid

(Shake your finger back and forth)

because I am your God.

(Point up)

I will make you strong

(Make muscles)

and will help you.

(Clasp your hands together)

Isaiah 41:10

(Open hands, like opening a Bible)

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Take Home Series Card

Take Home Series Card

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Motions