A Ministry of Victory Tulsa.

Resource Blog

Victory Kids Family resources and tools.



Photo Sep 16, 8 04 32 PM.png

We are so excited to launch this brand new series! "Gifted" will focus on stories from the old testament that show how certain characters used what they were gifted at to stand out for God!


God put a gift in me!


Every good

(Right thumb up)

and perfect gift

(Left thumb up)

is from above

(Point with both hands up above your head)

and comes down from the Father.

(Both hands above your head and moving down to your side in a circular motion)

James 1:17

(hands like you are opening up a book)

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Memory Verse Motions

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Slide

Take Home Series Card

Take Home Series Card